Smoked Lamb with Bourbon Onion Coulée
10 to 12 lamb shanks
120 ml (4 oz) bourbon
420 ml (14 oz) red wine
15 ml (1 tbsp) minced garlic
30 ml (2 tbsp) each rosemary, coarsely ground black pepper and salt.
Bourbon Onion Coulée:
6 large onions sliced
60 ml (1/4 c) olive oil
30 ml (2 tbsp) black pepper
120 ml (1/2 c) bourbon
In a bowl mix together marinade ingredients.
Place lamb shanks in a casserole dish and pour marinade over lamb shanks.
Cover and turn occasionally to refrigerate for 24 hours.
Remove lamb shanks from marinade and place on oiled smoker racks.
Smoking Method:
Preheat the Bradley Smoker to 110°C (225°F).
Using Maple flavour bisquettes smoke/cook for approximately 4 hours, depending upon outside weather conditions.
Bourbon Onion Coulée:
In a small saucepan with olive oil, salt and pepper, saute onions on a stove over medium heat.
When onions begin to soften, add bourbon and simmer, stirring until onions become soft.