Smoked Bacon Cocktail for Victoria Day Recipe
The arrival of Victoria Day means putting the long Winter behind us, preparing for warmer days ahead and enjoying a long, relaxing weekend.
To those in Canadian territories, it’s La Journée Nationale des Patriotes, in memory of Anglophone and Francophone activists. They are the ones who fought for democracy in Quebec during the 19th century.
Some refer to it as Firecracker Day, because of the spectacular firework displays shown in cities all throughout the country.
But for most of us, Victoria Day, May Long weekend, just May Long or whatever you call it, gives people a chance to get out with friends and family and celebrate a sweet day of vacation. With all the celebrating about to commence, it brings up an important question – what are you drinking?
You might be one of those Canadians who affectionately refer to it as May Two-Four day, in reference to a 24-pack of beer. If so, read on!
We have a smoky, savory concoction for you to try. It comes from Patricia Richards of Thrillist.com. Enjoy!
1 ¼ Parts basil Hayden’s bourbon
1 Part St-Germain Liqueur - infused with Applewood Smoked Bacon (see below)
1 Part lemon juice - freshly squeezed and strained
½ Part Maple Syrup, diluted (1:1 ratio of Vermont grade A medium amber syrup to water)
1 Dash Peychaud’s cocktail bitters
¼ Part pasteurized egg white
Bacon Infused St-Germain Cooking Method:
9 Slices applewood smoked bacon
2 750 ml (25 fl. oz) bottles of St-Germain liqueur
In a preheated oven, cook bacon until crispy on the outside. Let bacon cool on a paper towel.
Fill a glass jar with two 750 ml (25 fl. oz) bottles of St-Germain.
Place cooked bacon inside the jar and let infuse for 24 hours at room temperature.
Remove bacon and place liqueur in freezer so that bacon fat can congeal.
Strain liqueur through a fine mesh strainer or cheese cloth to remove as much congealed fat as possible.
If needed, repeat the freezer/strain process to remove all remaining fat.
Cocktail Instructions:
Combine Basil Hayden’s Bourbon, bacon-infused St-Germain liqueur, lemon juice, diluted maple syrup, bitters and pasteurized egg white into a mixing glass and shake vigorously with ice.
Strain over ice into an old-fashioned glass.
Garnish with an orange slice and a piece of St-Germain-infused Applewood smoked bacon and you’re in heaven!
We here at Bradley Smoker wish you a happy, long Victoria Day weekend and a happy Memorial Day weekend for our American friends!